沅鉭精密股份有限公司 04-2482-4792 sales@utp.url.tw 全國地區 https:webyp.url.com.twpublic/corp/dm0iivmz/images/logo_7bcda4995a6b7a9d33d551b99aec9b48.jpg https://webyp.url.com.tw/store?q=dm0iivmz
沅鉭精密股份有限公司 沅鉭精密股份有限公司 https://webyp.url.com.tw/store?q=dm0iivmz



"沅鉭精密股份有限公司”於2011年2月創立於台南市, 本公司服務項目主要針對公司開發或是研發單位之頂尖人員提供系統化之專案訓練, 以提升開發單位人員的分析以及解決問題之能力. 本公司也開發出一系列“EasyU-小幫手”工具軟體, 以最簡易上手的軟體界面, 協助研發菁英人員能夠快速地學習應用. 通過提升企業發展及研發能力, 增加企業在業界的兢爭力, 藉由我們的專業知識及服務, 為我們的客戶創造價值.
因此, 我們的使命: “化繁為簡, 提高效率, 創造價值”; 幫助客戶在最短時間內掌握到各項專業知識的精髓, 提昇研發創造力, 實現附加價值最大化. 實現世界華人企業標竿的目標.

The U-TAN PRECISION CO.LTD. is a provider of professional consultant and training services of R & D Project. Since our foundation in Tainan, Taiwan in Feb, 2011, we have been providing professional service of R&D problems solution for our clients. Our service is designed for the clients of R&D units which are small and Medium Enterprises or no more serious training of R&D analysis. We can provide the professional service to upgrade and improve the analysis and application abilities of R&D units on the practical working. We also developed a series of “EasyU-” software for professional R&D member to use and apply quickly. Clients can increase business competitiveness in the industry through our service and we can create value for our clients through our expertise.
Our mission is: “Easy, Efficiency and Value”. We can help customers grasp the essence of the professional knowledge, increase R&D creativity, and achieve maximum added value in the shortest time.


(新書出版) 輕鬆 學研發

雲端數據分析軟體設計開發 Cloud Computing D

研發菁英訓練班-專案預算規劃 Financial Budge

研發菁英訓練班-數據分析應用 Data Analysis

統計小幫手 EasyU- Statistics
