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IJCD & JHCI ISSN: ISSN 2223-7534 (Print)
ISSN:2224-1221 (Online) Description The Journals constitutes a point of reference for Taiwan and non-Taiwan scholars to discuss instruments of methodology for more rigorous scientific results in the social sciences. The journal publishes papers on models of classification, methods for constructing typologies, models of simulation, neural networks and fuzzy sets for social research, mathematical models applied to social mobility, mathematical models of voting behavior, qualitative methodology and feminist methodology, discussions on the general logic of empirical research, analysis of the validity and verification of social laws, and similar topics.
IJCD is an interdisciplinary journal which systematically correlates disciplines such as mathematics and statistics with the social sciences, particularly sociology, economics, and social psychology.
The journal extends discussion of interesting contributions in methodology to scholars worldwide, to promote the scientific development of social research. The Journal of Chinese Innovation & Development ISSN 2223-7534 The Journal of Health care industry

ISSN:2224-1221 INNO Journal of INNOvation Research & Development
ISSN 1814-1927

中華創新發展協會的成立是為了與中華創新學會聯盟與更能夠將政府及學界緊密結合,產學合作領域中,提出管理、邏輯、環保、自然、科學等,運用於政治、經濟、文化、科技等議題。 期刊的發行,結合學術界的力量成立,在社長及總編輯和各位的策劃及支持下朝向正常推展並向專利發明之路來培育。感謝所有投稿者提供資料貢獻心力,讓成果展現出來。本期刊能如期出版代表著我們的驕傲,也是我們的心血,篇篇都是經驗結晶,心得迴響,感謝所有默默奉獻的工作伙伴,你們的精神頗堪他人借境,成稿倉促偏頗商榷之處在所難免,尚祈各教育先進不吝指正,大家共同為協會一起來努力!




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