臺灣石油有限公司 03-3386-888 03-3342-247 mich007@ms19.hinet.net 全國地區 https:webyp.url.com.twpublic/corp/9pp59o1c/images/logo_cc816ace8f7eb945c070339c2604a4d2.jpg https://webyp.url.com.tw/store?q=9pp59o1c
臺灣石油有限公司 臺灣石油有限公司 https://webyp.url.com.tw/store?q=9pp59o1c



臺灣石油有限公司2004年創立於桃園,從歐、美各主要工業國潤滑油脂研究單位引進最先進之技術與獨特配方,研製而成品質領先世界各大廠牌之潤滑油脂。臺灣石油將最好的產品推展到國內外,造福人類、節約能源、環保地球及創造工作機會。臺灣石油本著完善服務,品質保證的信念以顧客滿意、永續經營為原則,行銷網遍佈全台,深受經銷商及消費者的肯定和信賴。  Taiwan Petroleum Co., Ltd. located in Taoyuan Taiwan was founded in 2004, the enterprise introduced the advanced Hi-tech and unique recipe form the research lab. of most famous lub. oil and grease manufacturer in Europe and America to produce the breakthrough products. We provide these best products of domestic (Taiwan) and abroad markets. And due to the special function of the products it will favour the society by energy saving and environmental advantage. The company persists that a sound after-service and stringent quality control are the best policy to satisfy customer and will keep the company in a prosperous condition forever.. 臺灣石油在全體同仁的積極努力下,開始向馬來西亞、泰國、印尼、新加坡、大陸等地,積極拓展市場,朝向全球化經營之目標邁進! Now the company under the endeavor of all the staffs will extend the abroad market to Malaysia, Tailand, Indonesia Singapore China. Launching a global business era.   臺灣石油堅持〔顧客滿意〕,產品在出廠前均經過嚴格的品質控管程序,以期能提供顧客最佳品質之潤滑油脂。品質保證!是臺灣石油經營的信念與堅持,我們將最好的呈獻給客戶,因為我們深信,唯有使客戶滿意才能成為贏家,臺灣石油得以永續經營、茁壯、成長。 Taiwan Petroleum Co., Ltd. always keeps in mind with the concept that only producing the best products with rigorous quality control and unique character can satisfy customer and becomes a winner and we believe that is why our company will be prosperous and running on and on...





