恩可視聽科技有限公司 02-2212-5419 2212-5778 gmps1125@gmail.com 全國地區 https:webyp.url.com.twpublic/corp/igi439r1/images/logo_687193e22c0a910a9026aa1fb7b90fd5.jpg https://webyp.url.com.tw/store?q=igi439r1
恩可視聽科技有限公司 恩可視聽科技有限公司 https://webyp.url.com.tw/store?q=igi439r1



Taiwan Meeting is a professional team funded by intergrated sicence including audio visual and digital technologies. It applies on various fields like meeting audio visual solutions, video conferencing, Simultaneous Interpretations, staging, sound system, lighting and audio visual productions.

Our Services including video conferencing, round table meeting, discussion system, audio visual equipment rental and technologies for all kinds of meetings. Simultaneous Interpretation, languages services. Also we can offer sound and video recording services, stage lighting and PA, intercom, location recording, sound effects and video editing for audio visual production, multiple track recording for musical Concert and events.

Our audio visual equipments and devices can be classfied into 6 categories: audio (sound) system, visual system, Stage lighting, Drape and staging. IT & Internet and miscellaneous rentals. These audio visual and IT equipments can be well applied and serviced on different scale of conferences and International conventions, live feed, webcasting, simultaneous interpretation, musical concerts and shows, even for a small musical band or personal performance. We have dedicated to provide the most professional audio visual equipments, reliable and skillful manpower support to your events and presentations.

Contact us Now!

Taiwan Meeting 是一個結合數位與科技,利用在各種會議視聽、遠距會議通訊系統、同步口譯,舞台燈光音響PA系統、影音製作的團隊。我們將您的點子與想法,實踐在您的場地,並協助您完美地舉辦活動,為您的活動加分!


公司的器材與設備共分為六大類:音頻(音響)系統、視訊系統、舞台燈光、Drape and Staging、IT & Internet 和其他設備出租。這些設備可以讓您運用在大小型國際會議、現場Live轉播、同步口譯、音樂會、演唱會,甚至只是小編制的樂團或個人表演等的大大小小的場合。我們公司致力於提供最專業的設備,並且提供友善且負責的人力支援,協助您的活動可以舉辦的更加完善!

