動心醫電股份有限公司 02-2771-2171#6007 02-2771-8076 hsiehpopeye@gmail.com 全國地區 https:webyp.url.com.twimages/other-default-l.jpg https://webyp.url.com.tw/store?q=o6qaguurg
動心醫電股份有限公司 動心醫電股份有限公司 https://webyp.url.com.tw/store?q=o6qaguurg



Zoetekset up and built by Innovation and incubation center in National Taipei University of Technology,
making effort with coding and improving physical signal algorithm. The new function created by algorithm can
broaden the wearable device application field which stands out in the market.

Our algorithm contain five sections:

Blood Pressure : The blood pressure measurement products on the market are all designed to use cuff to measur
However, users need to spend a few minutes to maintain breath and sitting posture for measuring.
And the size of equipment is a little bit big compared to wearable devices to take with result in inconvenient.
So far we’ve transplanted blood pressure algorithm into wearable devices,
and cooperating with other brand companies in order to create same measurement consequence with traditional
equipment. This innovation has been approved by industries and started to commodity. Blood Oxygen:

Now the traditional way to measure blood oxygen is penetrates photoplethysmography,
same time it needs stable posture which is not convenience.
In addition to the practical application, if the users did polish nails that will influence accurate measurement
To overcome the defects mentioned above, we use reflect-optical to detect blood oxygen and coding.
All they need to do is barely to matching algorithm with wearable devices. It not only can be used in normal
housing but also outdoors activities like mountain climbing.
Dynamic Heart Rate : The differences between wearing locations of optical heart rate monitor can cause obviously challenges.
Most of optical measurement devices usually wear in three body parts like ears (earbuds), arm and wrist.
Our algorithm can measure heart rate of people when they are exercising and then transmitting the result to
mobile. This function break through the limitation of others heart rate device in the market.
So far, we have already cooperated with branding companies in developing dynamic heart rate measurement.
Fatigue/Emotion Indexes : In modern society, many diseases occurred not only by single physical condition but also combined with
other mental factors that called modern plagues.
Human pulse is not beating with fixed speed which we called heart rate variability (HRV).
Even in peaceful and stable situation there will various.
We can identify the activity of autonomic nervous system by studying HRV.
We, Zoetek keeps upgrading the algorithm for its accuracy of fatigue and trying to integrate other algorithms
for maximum it application in the market.
Pedometer Counting steps has become the most effective way for fitness and it has widely used in daily life
that users can read the result while sporting. We use the features of triaxial accelerometer to
analyze the walking situation. Business model of Zoetek

The features of wearable devices is using wireless transmitting technology to create the service
environment everywhere.

And the wireless transmitting distinguishes into measuring, transmitting, searching, analyzing and

We have integrated HealthCare Cloud System of Golden Smart Home Technology Corp.

Our techniques are originally from ourselves studies, so far we got 14 patents in Taiwan, China, Japan and Germany.
Except to the 14 patients, there are more new inventions which are under exanimated.

已取得台灣、中國大陸、日本、德國四國 15 項專利,朝向



動 態 心 率 演 算 法

活動訊息 / 優惠訊息

  • ZoeTek-BLE 工具

    血壓血糖量測分析 健康塑身

    ZoeTek BT DEMO


  • 談到系統層級的設計,不外乎類比與混合訊號電路,再加上數位訊號處理與控制的流程,少了哪一個環結,系統都無法運作。而在類比前端電路的設計上,台北科技大學電子工程系李仁貴教授便談到,以穿戴式裝置為例,大家都會希望MCU(微控制器)能朝向SoC(系統單晶片)的方向邁進,同時也希望滿足更為多元的需求,因為就電路布局而言,晶片愈少,愈能省去更多的電路布局,實務上能節省更多工作負擔。
    相關連結:http://www.teema.org.tw/industry-information-detail.aspx?inf ... 談到系統層級的設計,不外乎類比與混合訊號電路,再加上數位訊號處理與控制的流程,少了哪一個環結,系統都無法運作。而在類比前端電路的設計上,台北科技大學電子工程系李仁貴教授便談到,以穿戴式裝置為例,大家都會希望MCU(微控制器)能朝向SoC(系統單晶片)的方向邁進,同時也希望滿足更為多元的需求,因為就電路布局而言,晶片愈少,愈能省去更多的電路布局,實務上能節省更多工作負擔。

    但就目前來看,在晶片整合上還是有些地方難以克服,舉例來說,在心率量測的應用上,像是10位元或是12位元的ADC(類比數位訊號轉換器),大多都可以被整合在MCU中,但若是量測血氧,就必須動用到24位元等級的ADC,在整合上還是有不少困難,所以將ADC獨立於MCU之外來進行設計會是較為理想的作法。 不過,李仁貴進一步談到,普遍來看,就穿戴式醫療電子的設計而言,元件的整合程度,大多用兩顆晶片就能搞定。一顆是類比前端電路,另一顆則是MCU本身。就目前而言,類比電路前端的整合已經可以將儀表放大器(Instrumentation Amplifier;INA)、濾波器(Filter)與可程式增益放大器(Programmable Gain Amplifier;PGA)加以整合,MCU本身則可以將ADC、MCU與BLE(藍牙低功耗)結合,這可以說是在系統整合層面上,最為乾淨的電路設計了。 當然,更進一步地從實務層面來探討,還是有些元件加以獨立,對於系統設計會較為有利。李仁貴表示,像是24位元的ADC,通常就會被用在心室收縮或是血液反彈這類的系統設計,它不僅要被獨立出來,同時也必須跟影像感測器或是麥克風這類元件搭配,為的就是希望在訊號源可以有更高的品質。李仁貴也指出,生理訊號是一種很慢的訊號源,像是濾波器本身,搭配的電阻與電容,其面積佔比就會大一些,但在類比前端電路整合晶片上,其電阻與電容就會採用外掛式的設計。當然,如果濾波器本身可以動態調整的話,因應不同應用,如腦波與血氧本身就有不同的波長,濾波器就能進行調整,所以採取獨立設計,也是相對較佳的作法。 而李仁貴也提醒,穿戴式醫療的系統設計,在短期內可能在規格上還無法有明確的定義,所以打前鋒的,一般來說都是OEM業者居多,但規格確定之後,這也意味著系統所需要的晶片也能一併確認,長期來看,要將晶片加以整合,或是採用SiP(系統級封裝)的作法來縮小系統體積,這都不是問題。他特別提醒,開發高度整合的SoC沒有問題,但市場沒有需求,就沒有意義可言。他也說,即便是半導體大廠TI(德州儀器),其旗下的產品也不是每顆都是高度整合,這表示了市場的需求就是處在一個不明確的狀態。 。
