台旺文創 02-2243-8802 glow@glow.tw 全國地區 https:webyp.url.com.twpublic/corp/hrr6t7xl4c/images/logo_3c1340d53312cff0e05eb149434575c2.jpg https://webyp.url.com.tw/store?q=hrr6t7xl4c
台旺文創 台旺文創 https://webyp.url.com.tw/store?q=hrr6t7xl4c



隨著時代的演化變遷,文化創意產業已成為台灣重要的發展方向。 會投入文化創意產業的人,大多是一群熱愛台灣文化以及想把台灣推銷到全世界的人, 藉此希望讓全世界聽到台灣的聲音,以及欣賞到台灣傑出優秀的創意商品! 台旺文創,是一個以台灣為出發點的創作團隊, 更明確地將本身的市場定位在「客製化」、「少量多樣」, 並堅持「精品路線」的原創精神,以精采創意與精緻商品擺脫低價競爭, 開拓一條與眾不同的創新大道。除了創造令客戶充滿驚奇的個性化商品之外, 更傳達發現新創意、發展新商品、發揮新服務、發掘新市場、發佈新品牌、發光新紀元的全新概念。 「拼圖及創意商品」是台旺文創的兩大發展主軸, 希望藉由多元化及多面向的拼圖產品,發揮文化創意的無限魅力; 同時結合精緻且出色的包裝,將台灣的多樣特色豐富完整呈現, 從中凸顯台旺文創的真正價值所在。

Brand Story of Tai-wang Creative
Over time, the cultural and creative industry has become an important direction of development in Taiwan. Most people who enter the cultural and creative industry have passion toward Taiwanese culture and strive to promote Taiwan to the world. Their dream is to let the world hear the voice of Taiwan and appreciate the great creative products of Taiwan! Tai-wang Creative, a creative team whose ideas are originated from Taiwan, explicitly positions its market at “customization” and “small quantity but large diversity”. It insists on the creative spirit with only fine products, and focuses on brilliant creativity and fine products instead of low-price competition, in order to develop a unique innovative path. Tai-wang Creative does not only create surprising individuation products, but also delivers a brand-new concept of discovering new ideas, developing new products, deploying new services, exploring new markets, releasing new brands, and shining in the new era. Puzzles and creative products are the two major product lines of Tai-wang Creative. It hopes to deploy the infinite charm of culture and creativity through the combination of diverse puzzle products and remarkable packaging  designs, thus demonstrating the multiple characteristics about Taiwan while highlighting the true value of Tai-wang Creative.
Tai-wang Creative Co., Ltd.
