泰和陽塑膠有限公司於1998年創立,本公司已有豐富的塑膠射出成型製造經驗,並且提供國內與國際市場。 本公司有優良的聲譽、品質與服務,透過不斷的創新與開發使產品能夠在競爭的市場上得到競爭力。歡迎各界廠商詢價與合作。
Tyholder Win MFG. Co., Ltd. was founded in 1998. We have a lot of making fastener experiences for global needs. We have excellent reputation on quality, service and satisfaction. Research and development ability is our strength to competitive in the market. We believe through research and innovation, we can provide customers with better and more competitive products. Welcome all inquiries and co-operations.