速比爾有限公司 02-8954-1263 0229991732 upcbiker@gmail.com 全國地區 https:webyp.url.com.twpublic/corp/mnaphkc1/images/logo_93aa550014b06a912d86e6a46b7b7155.jpg https://webyp.url.com.tw/store?q=mnaphkc1
速比爾有限公司 速比爾有限公司 https://webyp.url.com.tw/store?q=mnaphkc1



公司介紹 速比爾有限公司SPRS是充滿創意的年輕的摩托車潮流品牌,開發定位在市場為,強調「物超所值不失設計」的品牌定位,SPRS致力於將套車創意融入商品,且製造高級質感機車部品而漸漸打出名號,同時也傳達「舒適,安全,品質」的理念。 品牌創辦團隊亦熱愛各式運動,將繼續研發出休閒運動相關產品, 未來期許目標將以最高品賞,最獨特具專利的設計,讓騎乘者使用到國際化標準的高質量產品, 來滿足騎士們舒適,安全,速度的駕馭樂趣,且成功的行銷至世界各地。 SPEED-R Racing Sports 是我們的品牌,SPRS是我們團隊的映象圖示 致力於提供全方位摩托車騎士專業服飾及配件 並斥資建廠以及開發模具於全心投入騎士用品開發 集合各方位技術人員開創MOTOR新時代 企業名稱速比爾有限公司 企業地址新北市新莊區化成路2950 執行長     李景棠 成立年份設立於西元2008 員工人數 10   賽車運動在台灣逐漸開始受到重視,除了要在正規專業的場地競速外,擁有一套安全防摔護具更是至關重要。位於新北市三重區的SPRS速比爾有限公司,致力於打造高CP值的防摔商品,並融入時尚設計和賽車元素,不僅製造賽場上競技用的連身防摔衣,更提供高品質並兼具設計感的防摔皮衣,堅持要以每位騎士都穿得起的價格,提供全方位的專業服飾與配件,讓騎士在一般道路行駛時也能擁有專業級的安全防護。        SPRS的執行長李景棠年紀雖輕,但進入摩托車部品行業已有近十年的經歷,曾在國際品牌歷練的他表示,對於騎士來說,防摔衣與安全帽同樣是重要的保護工具,尤其台灣的摩托車密度高居全球之冠,但對於行車安全的重視度和宣導卻不足,時常看見客戶摔車後,才意識到安全護具的重要性,包著繃帶到店內挑選防摔衣。因此,李景堂結合潮流服飾的概念,創辦了SPRS的品牌,將原本單調的防摔衣加入時尚元素,更人性化的設計了隱藏式的耳機線孔、零錢口袋等,打造實用性與功能性兼具的平價防摔衣,並積極宣導穿著防摔裝備的觀念。        一套好的防摔衣不僅能夠杜絕摔車時皮膚與地面的摩擦,特殊設計和護具更能減緩撞擊力道,盡可能的將傷害降至最低。因此,SPRS堅持選用巴西進口皮革,並在上海、台灣等地斥資建廠,開發防護模具進行加工,盡可能以最低的成本打造國際級的品質。經過多年耕耘,SPRS逐漸打開品牌知名度,不僅成為台灣騎士心中的首選,許多歐美、日本地區的廠商積極爭取海外的代理權,商品也時常受邀至國外參展,更與電影變形金剛的劇組接洽合作,未來有機會為新電影提供防摔部品,可說是成功將台灣品牌推向國際市場。        未來SPRS也將積極整合各方資源,成立騎士人身安全協會,希望能夠協助在賽車運動或道路行駛的事故中受傷的騎士,得到妥善的安排和照顧。同時也將規劃環保賽車等多項活動,將所得的收入回饋給環保單位做公益,也希望號召各企業和同業先進,一同宣導穿著安全裝備的重要性,讓騎士們享受駕馭樂趣的同時,更能兼顧騎乘的舒適度和安全性。   我們盡力於提升國人安全道路駕駛觀念以及提倡賽車文化也取向以物美價廉為出發點高經濟效益產品為開發方向使得國人以及客戶可以快速認同並且以親民售價穩扎市場  Company Profile SUBIER ​​Co., Ltd. SPRS is a creative young motorcycle trend brand. It is positioned in the market and emphasizes the brand positioning of “excellent value for money. The locomotive parts are gradually becoming famous, and they also convey the concept of "comfort, safety, quality". The brand founding team also loves various sports and will continue to develop leisure sports related products. In the future, the goal is to provide riders with high-quality products with international standards with the highest taste and the most unique patented design. To meet the comfort, safety, speed of the knights, and successful marketing to the world. SPEED-R Racing Sports is our brand, SPRS is the image of our team Committed to providing a full range of professional clothing and accessories for motorcyclists And invested in building factories and developing molds to devote to the development of knight supplies. Gathering various technical personnel to create a new era of MOTOR Business Opportunities Company Name SUBIER CO., LTD. Business Address No. 50, Lane 29, Huacheng Road, Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City Chief Executive Officer : Ching Tang LEE       Year of establishment : 2008 Number of employees :10   Motorsport is gradually gaining attention in Taiwan. In addition to racing on regular professional venues, it is very important to have a set of safety anti-fall protective gear. SPRS Co., Ltd., located in Mie District, New Taipei City, is committed to creating high-CP anti-drop products, incorporating fashion design and racing elements, not only manufacturing jumpsuits for competitive use on the field, but also providing high-quality The design-proof shatter-resistant leather clothing insists on providing a full range of professional clothing and accessories at a price that every knight can afford, so that the knight can also have professional-level safety protection when driving on general roads.        Although the CEO of SPRS ching tang lee is young, he has entered the motorcycle parts industry for nearly ten years. He has experienced in international brands. He said that for riders, anti-fall clothing and hard hats are also important protection tools. In particular, Taiwan ’s motorcycles have the highest density in the world, but they don’t pay enough attention to and publicity about driving safety. Often after seeing customers falling, they realize the importance of safety gear, and bandaged them to select anti-fall in the store. clothes. Therefore, combining the concept of trendy clothing, ching tang lee founded the SPRS brand, adding the original monotonous drop-resistant clothing to the fashion element, and more humanized design of hidden headphone jacks, coin pockets, etc., to create both practicality and functionality. Affordable anti-fall clothing, and actively promote the concept of wearing anti-fall equipment.        A good set of anti-fall clothes can not only prevent skin and ground friction when the car is dropped, but also special design and protective gear can slow down the impact force and minimize the damage as much as possible. Therefore, SPRS insists on choosing Brazilian imported leather, and invests in building factories in Shanghai, Taiwan and other places to develop protective molds for processing to create international quality at the lowest possible cost. After years of hard work, SPRS gradually opened its brand awareness, not only becoming the first choice in the minds of Taiwan ’s knights, many European, American and Japanese manufacturers actively sought overseas agency rights, and products were often invited to participate in foreign exhibitions, and also contacted the film Transformers crew The cooperation has the opportunity to provide anti-fall parts for new movies in the future. It can be said that Taiwan brands have successfully launched into the international market.        In the future, SPRS will also actively integrate the resources of various parties and establish the Knights Safety Association, hoping to assist the injured knights in motor sports or road accidents to be properly arranged and taken care of. At the same time, many activities such as environmental racing will be planned, and the income will be returned to environmental protection units for public welfare. I also hope to call on companies and industry leaders to advance the importance of wearing safety equipment together, so that the Cavaliers can enjoy the driving fun while also Can balance riding comfort and safety.   We try our best to improve the concept of safe road driving and promote the culture of racing. We also aim to develop products with high economic efficiency and low price as the starting point, so that people and customers can quickly identify and stabilize the market at affordable prices. 經營理念 隨著重型機車開放,很多國外原廠陸續成立代理商或分公司,再加上國內三大機車大廠企業的全力引進及導入下,重型機車市場可謂如日中天,連續幾年銷售年增率都在3成以上。就以2015來說,國內俗稱黃牌及紅牌的大型重型機車,總市場便達到17,322輛。除了重機的銷售直線上升外,近年來國內也有愈來愈多的周邊產業隨之盛行。   加上賽車運動近年來在國內進入全新高峰期,車友及媒體間話題不斷,國內大眾消費市場開始認同賽車這一環,賽車活動具有強大的曝光效果。.年輕人需要個性機種,機車人身部品出現及款式增加,剛好能滿足年輕人想與眾不同的心理,滿足自己心目中的個性化。   但如何將賽車,騎車與安全化為等號的議題一直都是整體環境所存在的問題。也因此在大量需求的環境下,速比爾在此時擴展營運規模與大量進行相關行銷活動,正是人時地和的好時機將SPRS品牌的經營理念[物超所值,不失設計]在快速曝光與打造品牌的同時也降低了安全防護戶具用品的門檻,讓人人騎車安全又有型。   我們在台灣以平價的品牌出發不斷將產品品質升級 我們在發展中得到進步的資訊 也在提升產品品質的同時不斷向國際合作共創平台 讓台灣SPRS品牌能在國際兩輪市場發揚光大 在亞洲的騎士服飾與專業防護部品市場, 近期SPRS這個來自台灣的品牌人氣迅速竄升, 不僅在泰國、中國及馬來西亞已建立經銷網絡及展示旗艦店,甚至中南美墨西哥 樸實簡練卻又兼具活力與時尚感的設計總是成為現場的目光焦點。 因自身在追求速度與時尚設計的同時對於安全防護功能也極為要求, 但因為無法接受進口品牌的昂貴價格,   立志創立屬於台灣的高CP值運動防護用品。   創辦人表示:SPRS對我而言,不只是一個品牌一個公司, 而是我這一生的熱情所在」。 這股熱情促使他持續精進成就了品牌「SPRS (Speed-R Taiwan Racing Sports) 時尚設計與防護品質除了獲得台灣市場肯定,更走向全亞洲。   而穿戴安全護具騎機車的觀念在台灣推動狀況的視乎非常的困難, 主要原因有幾大因素:價格昂貴不易購入、護具不通風設計、政府沒有相關法令強制執行規定等。   一般認為防摔衣是進行賽車運動時,為保護車手安全,避免轉倒時皮膚與地面的摩擦,所需要穿著的安全護具,但在一般道路行駛時,同樣也能發揮作用,提供騎士安全保障。 位於台灣的SPRS防摔衣,結合潮流服飾概念,將時尚元素融入防摔衣中,打造出兼具舒適度與設計感的商品,不僅提供騎乘時的自在感,帥氣的造型更是深受廣受騎士們喜愛。 Business philosophy With the opening of heavy locomotives, many foreign original factories have successively set up agents or branches, coupled with the full introduction and introduction of the three major domestic locomotive manufacturers, the heavy locomotives market can be described as day-to-day, with annual sales growth rates for several years Above 30%. As of 2015, the total market for large heavy locomotives commonly known as yellow and red cards in China reached 17,322. In addition to the heavy increase in sales of heavy machinery, in recent years, more and more peripheral industries have also prevailed in China.   Coupled with the fact that motorsport has entered a new peak in China in recent years, and there have been constant discussions between riders and the media, the domestic mass consumer market has begun to identify with the car racing sector, and motor racing activities have a strong exposure effect. . Young people need individual models, the appearance of locomotive personal parts and the increase in style, just to meet the young people want to be different, and meet the personalization in their minds.   However, the issue of how to turn racing, cycling and safety into equal signs has always been a problem in the overall environment. Therefore, under the environment of a lot of demand, at this time, Super Bill is expanding its operating scale and conducting a lot of related marketing activities. It is a good time to integrate the SPRS brand's business philosophy [value for money, without losing design] in Quick exposure and brand building also lowered the barriers to safety protection household appliances, making it safe and stylish for everyone to ride.   We start with cheap brands in Taiwan and continuously upgrade product quality Information on the progress we have made in development While improving product quality, continue to create platforms for international cooperation Allow the Taiwan SPRS brand to flourish in the international two-round market In the Asian knight wear and professional protection market, Recently, the popularity of SPRS, a brand from Taiwan, has skyrocketed. Not only in Thailand, China and Malaysia has established a distribution network and display flagship stores, even Central and South America Mexico, The simple and concise yet dynamic and fashionable design always becomes the focus of the scene. Because of the pursuit of speed and stylish design, at the same time, it also has extremely demanding security protection functions. But because they can’t accept the expensive prices of imported brands,   Determined to create high CP sports protective equipment belonging to Taiwan.   The founder said, "SPRS is not just a brand to a company for me. It's the passion of my life. " This enthusiasm led him to continue to achieve the brand `` SPRS '' (Speed-R Taiwan Racing Sports), In addition to the affirmation of the Taiwanese market for fashion design and protection quality, it is moving towards Asia.   The concept of wearing safety gear and riding a motorcycle depends on the difficulty of promoting the situation in Taiwan. The main reasons are several factors: expensive and difficult to purchase, non-ventilated design of the protective gear, the government does not have relevant laws to enforce the regulations ... etc.   It is generally believed that anti-fall clothing is used in motorsports to protect the safety of the rider and to avoid the friction between the skin and the ground when the vehicle is overturned. It is necessary to wear safety gear. Protection. The SPRS drop-proof clothing located in Taiwan combines the trendy clothing concept with fashion elements into the drop-proof clothing to create products with both comfort and design. It not only provides freedom during riding, but also has handsome shapes. Popular with knights.            產品服務   提供性價比極高人身安全防護運動部品, 並以平價販售取得民眾最高信賴. SPRS騎士安全防護裝備我們致力於創造高CP值的產品 讓每位客戶可以在騎乘時享受裝備帶來的自在感   堅持選用巴西進口皮革,並在上海、台灣等地斥資建廠,開發防護模具進行加工,盡可能以最低的成本打造國際級的品質。SPRS的執行長李景棠表示,一套好的防摔衣,不僅能杜絕摔車時皮膚與地面的摩擦,特殊設計和護具更能減緩撞擊力道,盡可能的將傷害降至最低。尤其台灣的摩托車密度高居全球之冠,年輕人騎車受傷的事件也屢見不鮮,更應該積極宣導防摔衣與安全帽是等同重要的防護裝備。        除此之外,SPRS也精心研發許多人性化的設計,包括隱藏式的耳機線孔、零錢口袋等,將原本只屬於賽場的防護裝備,注入許多實用功能,希望能讓防摔衣成為時尚實用又安全的騎士必備商品   商品範圍包括 安全帽和賽車靴 摩托車用連體皮衣 真皮夾克 紡織夾克 真皮手套 紡織手套 以及其他運動紡織用品 以及周邊形象紀念商品 跨領域更有自行車緊身衣 運動用健身衣 滑雪與潛水以及汽車賽車防火服裝等等防護裝備衣物 各項極限運動穿著使用範圍   我們亦可提供客製化服務 個性訂製專屬皮革皮衣商品 目標範圍可擴大至任何一項用運動用品 未來亦投入運動器材像是拳擊手套 羽球拍 棒球手套等等相關性質商品   我們更提供商品維修與皮革修復等等服務 也提供各大媒體商界合作服務   product service Provide highly cost-effective personal safety protection sports parts, And gain the highest trust of the people at affordable prices. SPRS Knight Safety Equipment We are committed to creating products with high CP value Allow each customer to enjoy the freedom of the equipment when riding    We insist on the use of Brazilian imported leather, and invest in building factories in Shanghai, Taiwan and other places, develop protective molds for processing, and create international quality at the lowest cost possible. SPRS CEO ching tang lee said that a good set of anti-fall clothes can not only prevent skin and ground friction when a car crashes, but also special design and protective gear can slow down the impact force and minimize the damage as much as possible. In particular, the density of motorcycles in Taiwan ranks among the highest in the world. Incidents of young people riding bicycles are also common. It is even more important to proactively declare that anti-fall clothing and safety helmets are equally important protective equipment.        In addition, SPRS has also carefully developed many user-friendly designs, including hidden headphone jacks, coin pockets, and so on. It will inject protective functions that originally belonged to the arena into many practical functions, hoping to make the anti-fall clothing fashionable and practical A must-have for safe knights Product range includes Safety helmets and racing boots One-piece leather jackets for motorcycles Leather jackets Textile jackets Leather gloves Textile gloves and other sports textile products Cross-disciplinary bicycle tights, sports fitness clothing, skiing and diving, fire protection clothing for auto racing, and other protective gear clothing.   We can also provide customized services. Personalized and customized leather and leather goods. The target range can be expanded to any sporting goods. In the future, we will also invest in sports equipment such as boxing gloves, badminton rackets, baseball gloves, and other related products.   We also provide product repair and leather repair services, as well as business cooperation services for major media. 策略優勢 早期速比爾在台灣,以北台灣為主力市場擴展至中南部。 並在大專院校透過不定期舉辦各類機車比賽與宣導活動積極宣導穿戴安全護具騎乘機車的觀念, 讓銷售發展能夠遍部全台成為台灣國內機車人身部品的第一品牌。   速比爾,透過高品質規格平價的商品經營策略,讓騎乘機車穿戴安全護具及做好安全措施成為生活的一部份。進而讓初為合法騎士的莘莘學子在享受騎乘的快感時,也能以平價的條件輕鬆入手一套屬於自己專屬的人身部品做足保護人身安全的措施。   綜觀國際市場,到處充斥著國際高單價位的知名大品牌。 速比爾打著[物超所值,不失設計]的庶民品牌的定位, 透過參與國際參展以及贊助國際賽事的相關行銷規劃, 預計在分別在新加坡、泰國、馬來西亞、越南等 開設總經銷點並與當地政府及二輪騎乘安全相關單位協同積極 推廣安全騎機車,全民運動的理念。   「致力於創造高CP值的產品 讓每位客戶可以在騎乘時享受裝備帶來的自在感」   後期我們自詡為騎士服裝界的ZARA,在消費者心中的定位已經是性價比極高的商品,價格親民品質佳的情況下,客戶會因為我們不斷的推陳出新風格而換購選購主要是價格不貴款式多易入手。   無論騎車比賽或是休閒出遊或是通勤小摩托, SPRS可以輕易看到摸到買到並且消費者直接感受到商品性價比極高, 抱持著多買一雙或是一件也無礙, 價格不貴摔壞或是弄髒了也無妨的一個心態, 比起其他國外品牌相對下我們不只極為優勢,購買選擇率也高。   因應亞洲環境與生活習性的需求,二輪車一直是不可去的便利型交通工具。同時,東南亞對於防護護具的設計與時尚的意識感逐漸提升中。但部品的高價位一直是無法普及化的高門檻的重要因素。速比爾,預計主力市場為新加坡,馬來西亞與泰國的二輪機車族群,首購機車學子.進而前進中國大陸,日本.推翻有型有質感的機車人身部品也可以很平價的風潮   擁有快速且量化的生產能力,不受限與數量材質等任何生產條件, 可根據時下風格,供應符合流行品味且價格親民,品質穩定的商品   Strategic advantage In the early years, Super Bill was in Taiwan, with northern Taiwan as the main market and expanding to the central and southern regions. And in colleges and universities, through the irregular organization of various types of motorcycle competitions and publicity activities, actively promote the concept of wearing safety gear riding motorcycles, Let sales development be able to become the first brand of domestic motorcycle parts in Taiwan.   Super Bill, through high-quality specifications and affordable commodity business strategies, makes riding motorcycles wear safety gear and make safety measures a part of life. In addition, when the first-time legal knight student enjoys the thrill of riding, he can easily start with a set of his own personal personal articles and take measures to protect his personal safety.   Looking at the international market, famous international brands with high unit prices are everywhere. Super Bill's positioning as a popular brand with excellent value for money and design, By participating in international exhibitions and sponsoring related marketing plans for international events, Expected in Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, etc. Established a general distribution point and cooperated actively with local governments and two-wheel riding safety related units Promote the concept of "safe riding motorcycles, national sports".   "Dedicated to creating high CP products Let every customer enjoy the freedom of the equipment when riding. "   In the later period, we regarded ourselves as the ZARA of the knight costume industry. In the minds of consumers, it has been positioned as a highly cost-effective product. Under the condition that the price is close to the people and the quality is good, customers will redeem for new styles because of our constant innovation. Many styles are easy to get started.   Whether it's a bike race, a leisure trip, or a commuter bike, SPRS can easily see the purchase and consumers directly feel the high cost performance of the products. It doesn't matter if you hold one more pair or one, A mentality that is not expensive and broken or soiled, Compared with other foreign brands, we not only have a great advantage, but also have a high purchase selection rate.   In response to the needs of the Asian environment and lifestyle, two-wheelers have always been a convenient type of transportation that cannot be reached. At the same time, Southeast Asia's awareness of the design and fashion of protective gear is gradually increasing. However, the high price of parts has always been an important factor for the high threshold that cannot be universalized. Super Bill, the main market is expected to be Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand's two-wheeled locomotive group, the first purchase of locomotive students. And then advance to mainland China, Japan. Overturning the trend of textured locomotive personal parts can also be very affordable   Has fast and quantitative production capacity, unlimited production conditions, such as any number of materials, According to the style of the moment, we can supply products with popular quality, affordable price and stable quality. 營運績效   企業夥伴 中國天貓旗艦館 馬來西亞Bikempire連鎖店,M0TOGP國際賽事雪邦站駐站 菲律賓SC集團 泰國Mathai連鎖店 墨西哥Kromtec連鎖集團 美洲Vespa / Piago集團 Operational performance   Business partners China Tmall Flagship Pavilion Bikempire chain store in Malaysia, stationed at Sepang station of M0TOGP Philippines SC Group Mathai chain store in Thailand Mexico Kromtec Chain Group Americas Vespa / Piago Group   媒體報導 SPRS,從台灣進軍全球的品牌傳奇      在亞洲的騎士服飾與專業防護部品市場,近期Speed-R這個來自台灣的品牌人氣迅速竄升,不僅在泰國、中國及馬來西亞已建立經銷網絡及展示旗艦店,甚至在最講究製造品質的德國也開始出現,樸實簡練卻又兼具活力與時尚感的設計總是成為現場的目光焦點。如此成熟與精緻的時尚品牌,其實是由現年還不到30歲的李景棠所創立,他16歲即開始玩車同時從事日系服飾的銷售,因自身在追求速度與時尚設計的同時對於安全防護功能也極為要求,但因為無法接受進口品牌的昂貴價格,讓他立志創立屬於台灣的高CP值騎士精品。他表示:SPRS對我而言,不只是一個品牌一個公司,而是我這一生的熱情所在」。這股熱情促使他持續精進成就了品牌「SPRS(Speed-R Taiwan Racing Sports),時尚設計與防護品質除了深獲台灣市場肯定,更邁向全亞洲。      創辦人李景棠身為狂熱的兩輪騎士,深深了解安全防護的重要性,因此對於SPRS防摔裝備的生產控管及品質要求極其嚴格。除了堅持使用頂級牛皮,在皮革底下的纖維更透過「壓、褶、揉、拉」增進彈力與結實度,且每一片皮件的裁片與車縫都堅持一致性品質,再持續搭配嶄新的科技織料材質,最後的成品必須通過嚴格品檢後才能出廠。對種種看不見的細節一再挑剔,就是以不斷超越的目標與企圖心,提升騎士們穿著的包覆性與舒適度。      安全性以外,SPRS最強烈的特色就是時尚設計,除了以『黑』『白』為主色系貫穿整個品牌,簡練的線條加上穩重的視覺呈現,打破外界對防摔衣一向硬派的刻板印象,每件產品都必須符合騎士安全需求又兼具年輕與時尚,讓防護部品也成為騎士們優雅時尚的穿著必備品。這樣成果來自8位平均年齡30歲的菁英組成的團隊,他們同樣是重機玩家,因此對於顧客需求有深入與體貼的掌握,加上每個人在設計研發、製造管理、行銷業務、國貿財務等領域各有專長,除了具備專業更有年輕人獨有的衝勁與行動力。這個年輕的團隊決定不只要做生意,更要做品牌,對於產品有理性及感性的思考,因此對於SPRSMIT設計有十足的自信。      近年來在車展與公開活動中,SPRS的新穎騎士套裝與復古皮製夾克總是吸引俱樂部玩家們的目光;在電影、戲劇或廣告拍攝,SPRS的設計也持續受到各方青睞,例如知名團體-玖壹壹的「我是冠軍」MV,或是仔仔-周渝民與李威等明星,都穿著劇組指定的SPRS皮製套裝入鏡拍攝,展現男主角的專業風範。更重要的是SPRS品牌中心思想就是要打造平價、高品質的國際級規格,期許SPRS成為騎士精品界的ZARA,有國際級的安全時尚,價格卻高貴不貴,總是讓消費者有物超所值、買到賺到的暢快體驗。      2016SPRS首次遠赴馬來西亞MotoGP雪邦站車賽現場展售產品,初試啼聲即獲得在場各國車手關注,產品現貨幾乎銷售一空,品質倍受國際買家肯定。20173月再於中國廣州國際賽車場週邊盛大開設佔地百坪的展示旗艦店,滿足大陸急速成長的購買需求。接下來SPRS除了進軍亞洲,亦將成為全球重車界的指標性品牌,帶領台灣精良的人身部品在全球市場發光。 media reports SPRS, the legend of the brand that entered the world from Taiwan       In the Asian knight apparel and professional protective parts market, the popularity of Speed-R, a brand from Taiwan, has rapidly increased. Not only has it established a distribution network and displayed flagship stores in Thailand, China and Malaysia, but also in Germany, where the manufacturing quality is most important. Began to appear, simple and simple yet dynamic and fashionable design has always become the focus of the scene. Such a mature and exquisite fashion brand was actually founded by ching tang lee, who is less than 30 years old. He started playing cars at the age of 16 and engaged in the sale of Japanese clothing. He pursued speed and fashion design while protecting his safety. The functions are also extremely demanding, but because he cannot accept the expensive prices of imported brands, he decided to create a high-CP knight boutique belonging to Taiwan. "SPRS for me is not just a brand and a company, but the passion of my life," he said. This enthusiasm motivated him to continue to improve and achieve the brand "SPRS" (Speed-R Taiwan Racing Sports). In addition to gaining affirmation from the Taiwanese market for fashion design and protection quality, he has also moved to Asia.       Founder ching tang lee, as an avid two-wheeled knight, deeply understands the importance of safety protection, so he has strict requirements on the production control and quality of SPRS anti-fall equipment. In addition to insisting on the use of top-grade cowhide, the fibers under the leather enhance the elasticity and sturdiness through "pressing, pleating, kneading, and pulling", and each piece of leather pieces adheres to consistent quality, and then continues to match with new Technological weave material, the final product must pass strict quality inspection before leaving the factory. He has repeatedly criticized all kinds of invisible details, with the goal and ambition constantly surpassed, to improve the covering and comfort of the knights.       In addition to security, the strongest feature of SPRS is the stylish design. In addition to the "black" and "white" main colors throughout the brand, the concise lines and stable visual presentation break the outside stereotype of anti-fall clothes. Each product must meet the safety requirements of the knight and be both young and fashionable, so that the protective parts have become an elegant and stylish must-have for the knights. This result comes from a team of eight elites with an average age of 30 years old. They are also heavy machine players, so they have a thorough and considerate grasp of customer needs, plus everyone in design research and development, manufacturing management, marketing, international trade finance, etc. Each field has its own expertise, in addition to having professionalism and young people's unique drive and action. This young team decided not only to do business, but also to become a brand. They have rational and emotional thinking about the product, so they have full confidence in the MIT design of SPRS.       In recent years at auto shows and public events, SPRS's new knight suits and vintage leather jackets have always attracted the attention of club players; in the film, drama or advertising shooting, SPRS's design has also continued to be favored by various parties, such as well-known groups- The "I'm the Champion" music video of 911, or the stars such as Tsai Zai-Chou Yumin and Li Wei, all wore SPRS leather suits designated by the crew for shooting, showing the professional style of the actor. More importantly, the central idea of ​​the SPRS brand is to create affordable, high-quality international-grade specifications. It is expected that SPRS will become a ZARA in the knightly boutique industry. It has international safety and fashion, but the price is noble and not expensive. Value for money, a fun experience to buy.       In 2016, SPRS went to the Malaysian MotoGP Sepang car race for the first time to display and sell products. At the initial test, it attracted the attention of drivers from various countries on the scene. The product was almost sold out of stock and the quality was highly recognized by international buyers. In March 2017, a grand flagship store with a floor area of ​​100 pings was opened grandly around the Guangzhou International Circuit in China to meet the rapidly growing purchase demand in the mainland. In addition to entering Asia, SPRS will also become an iconic brand in the global heavy-duty vehicle industry, leading Taiwan's sophisticated personal products to shine in the global market.                         未來佈局   市場上以美國中國為佈局目標將在當地設立直營總部公司向當地發展業務使得當地民眾可以親自體驗SPRS商品的魅力與品質並且漸進在當地置入廣告與贊助活動推廣SPRS成為運動品牌在結合當地同業商業活動行為 最後歐盟體系的市場最為驚人但也必須最為專業   美國是一個成熟且了解安全防護設備的重要性不僅在摩托車人身防護服裝上更是在每一類的運動上的應有的防護裝備上更懂的其重要性與必要性 相對來說美國市場並沒有一家可以像我們SPRS一樣可以提供極高性價比的商品與專業化的服務推廣與販售 我們認為美國的市場經營會比亞洲來得快速且專業進入軌道   中國則對摩托車服裝以及運動防護品牌來說是一個新興產業成長潛力無窮加上中國的娛樂市場蓬勃發展摩托車旅行與摩托車屬於休閒運動奢侈產業除了騎乘上的休閒得到滿足外更可以看到中國市場的同業群聚活動與精力更是在摩托車上表現極致屬於一項前三名的休閒娛樂運動. 其人口基數與消費力與電商的發展使得中國市場資訊與商品同步體驗網路力量與線上線下結合是我們未來要執行的目標並且在當地設立總部公司倉儲營運系統建立自家渠道與服務中心 然而中國內部目前並無品質優良價格優美的商品相信中國市場是一個爆發力極強的市場也需要我們SPRS這性質的商品將中國市場得以圓滿.   未來SPRS將會開發氣囊系統用於防護衣物上讓每一位騎士更加容易入手此高科技防護安全用品增加騎乘的安全係數   我們更期許自己成為SPRS運動品牌包括自行車健身衣潛水衣物滑雪衣物汽車賽車服等等極限運動..等防護衣物均有涉略且量產成為真正的防護品牌服裝公司   最後我們創立亞洲極限運動品牌機能飲料立足台灣亞洲品牌成為家家戶戶知曉的運動飲料.進而推廣在運動項目以外的市場與能見度. Future layout   In the market, the United States and China are set as the goal. The company will set up a direct headquarters in the local area to develop the business to the local area so that local people can experience the charm and quality of SPRS products in person and gradually place local advertising and sponsorship activities to promote SPRS to become a sports brand Interbank business activities Finally, the EU market is the most amazing but it must also be the most professional   The United States is a mature and understand the importance of safety protection equipment, not only in motorcycle personal protective clothing, but also in the protective equipment that should be in each type of sports Relatively speaking, there is no one in the U.S. market that can provide high cost-effective products and professional service promotion and sales like our SPRS. We think that the US market operation will be faster and more professional than the Asian ones.   China is an emerging industry for motorcycle clothing and sports protection brands. The growth potential of the industry is endless. In addition, China ’s entertainment market is booming. Motorcycle travel and motorcycles are leisure sports. The industry gathering activities and energy to the Chinese market are even more extreme performances on motorcycles, which belongs to the top three leisure and entertainment sports. Its population base, consumption power, and e-commerce development make the Chinese market information and products synchronized experience. The combination of online power and online and offline is the goal we will implement in the future. We will also set up a headquarters company's warehouse operation system and establish our own channels and service centers However, there are currently no products of good quality and beautiful prices in China. I believe that the Chinese market is a highly explosive market and we also need products of the nature of SPRS to complete the Chinese market.   In the future, SPRS will develop an airbag system for protective clothing to make it easier for every rider to get started with this high-tech protective safety article to increase the safety factor of riding   We also hope to become the SPRS sports brand, including bicycles, fitness clothing, diving clothing, ski clothing, auto racing clothing, and other extreme sports.   Finally, we created the Asian extreme sports brand functional beverage, based on the Taiwan Asian brand, and became a sports drink that everyone knows, and then promote markets and visibility outside of sports.        
